Monday, April 19, 2010

my sweet garden.

I am literally laying here and wondering. Literally, what am I doing here? With my life that is. The past two years I have weeded out plants in my garden and planted new seeds. New seeds of experience, of friendship, adventure. Sometimes when I choose to be aware I check on my little garden and find out that the seeds were not entirely good to begin with. Sometimes I visit and I am abundant with flowers of all different colors and smells...this is what keeps me going.
I strive to be the best mother to my little rose. Sometime ago I realized that being a good mother is always an ongoing journey. There is no end. So I keep watering and giving her sunshine (and I will rose, for the rest of my life, I promise.) As a mother, I know it is inevitable with life she will grow little thorns and I will be pricked. But even then, she will be my constant perfume.
This is my first entry friend and I am sleepy. I must get rest because I have a lot of tending to do in the morning.
much love, ratheany

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